Monday, August 18, 2008

The Birthday - Party

It's official. She's three.

Andy and I knew for months that we wanted to get a little kitchen as the third birthday gift. We searched high and low. I really didn't want plastic. I wasn't pleased with any of the department/discount store options. There are some amazing wooden kitchen options online, but they were entirely too expensive. Then we found this one locally on craigslist. It is in great condition, was not too expensive, and (we realized after we purchased it) is the same kitchen that our church has in our daughter's Sunday School classroom. It was a great middle of the road option for us.

Our daughter immediately went to work preparing a feast for us. Hamburgers and tea, anyone?
Later in the morning, our party guests arrived. Blowing out the candles on the cake was a group effort. And yes, there is a Cars candle on an otherwise non-themed, girly cake.

This year she got into opening gifts. Last year...not so much.
Some super cute friends joined in the festivities.

I love this wrapping paper. I loved it so much, in fact, that we copied the idea as we were wrapping outgoing birthday gifts that very evening.

Three year olds can do so many special things that two year olds cannot do. For instance, three year olds can put on and snap their raincoats without help. She might be four before she realizes that wearing a long rubber coat indoors in the middle of August is not the most comfortable option. We (and she) had a great time. And now my baby is three.

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