It's finally done! Benjamin's quilt, which I meant to have done in time for his shower, is finally done.
I have really enjoyed making this quilt. There were some frustrating moments throughout the process, but overall it was a lot of fun. I did this one from scratch, - well, I should say Andy and I did this one from scratch - starting with a rough sketch and adding details as we thought of them. Andy came up with many of the applique designs, and it was his idea to add the borders to the pinwheel squares. Originally I was going to reverse the red and polkadotted fabric within the squares - the red would have been the border pieces, and the polkadots would have been the little corner squares - but I made a happy mistake in cutting, and so they were reversed. I'm glad of that - I think it would have been too red otherwise.

It is an alphabet quilt without letters. There is an appliqued picture to represent each letter, starting with an apple and ending with a zipper. The appliqued squares are offset by simple 6" Dick and Jane squares. A few weeks ago my mother-in-law, who taught me to quilt, dropped off a gift that she had made for Chris. She had made him a set of pillowcases (a long-standing tradition; she has been making pillowcases for Andy and Chris since they first roomed together during freshman year of college). Come to find out, she made the pillowcases out of the very same Dick and Jane fabric that I used! We did not consult one another before choosing our fabrics - we just think alike. It was a very happy coincidence.
April, that is so incredibly cute! There is a lot of love in that quilt - I can see it in all the detail you've put in. And the colors all come together nicely.
I vote yes for making a quilt for your daughter. I didn't make them for my boys until a few months ago and they LOVED it that I made something for them!
I am impressed that you appliqued that quilt! That is a beautiful display of your time and effort!
I am really impressed! That turned out great. I laughed out loud when I saw Trogdor. :-)
it's beautiful!
So, like I am really late in posting a comment...but WOW! beautiful quilt!!!
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